Wouldn’t It Be Miraculous If Within Your Own Blood Stream You Were Carrying Around A Biologic Treatment For Your Arthritic Knee? Well, You Do!
Your body creates a very large protein in your liver which is carried via your blood stream to your various organs and has several important roles to keep you healthy. The protein is called “alpha-2-macroglobulin” (A2M) and is among the largest and heaviest proteins that your body makes. It is a naturally occurring plasma glycoprotein whose principal activity is to counteract the protein/enzymes called “proteases” that breakdown various chemicals and molecules no longer needed in your body in a well-balanced chain of events that keeps you healthy.
In a tremendous breakthrough, scientists at the Cytonics, Corp. have discovered that this very large protein can capture and neutralize the chemicals created in an arthritic joint that cause the destruction of the articular cartilage. By reducing these destructive substances, it effectively halts the progressive damage seen and felt in the osteoarthritic joint. For those of us involved in the care of the arthritic patient, this is really a huge advancement!
Before explaining this wonderful new treatment further, let’s first put the problem of osteoarthritis (OA) into perspective. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that some 27 million adult Americans are afflicted with osteoarthritis. Furthermore, it is estimated that 1 in 2 adults will get symptomatic knee osteoarthritis in their lifetime. With the combination of the aging Baby Boomer population, increased longevity of U.S. citizens and the obesity epidemic, the rising prevalence of OA is expected to contribute even more heavily to the severe health and economic effects already present. Osteoarthritis often causes weakness and disability, interferes with work productivity, and often results, ultimately, in joint replacement.

In The First Rollout To The Public, The Cytonics, Corp. Is Allowing Only Select Physicians Access To Their Proprietary Process.