Overcoming Scoliosis For Athletes

Overcoming scoliosis can be difficult for everyone, especially for athletes. However, there are many successful athletes who manage scoliosis and continue to excel in their sports. Here are some things you can do to overcome scoliosis as an athlete:

  • Proper Technique and Posture: Maintaining good posture and proper technique is vital for combatting scoliosis. You could work with a coach or trainer to help you work on having good posture and technique. 
  • Choosing the Right Sports: People who have scoliosis can still be athletes, but it’s important that you choose the right sport given your circumstances. Try to aim for low-impact sports such as swimming and cycling. 
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapists can help to create personalized exercise programs to tailor to an athlete’s specific needs and scoliosis severity.